Loaded with big incentives


If you were a betting person, you would put your money on the Woden Town Centre as a centre of future growth.

There’s so much happening in terms of construction, including apartment developments, a new CIT campus, bus interchange, light rail down the track – and more. Not to mention it already has a commuting public service workforce of about 12,500.

Canny business investors will be quick to recognise these market signals and the opportunities they present. And this exceptional, brand new tenanted investment in central Furzer Street may further push their “buy’ buttons.

The 161-square-metre, architect designed space within the Alexander and Albemarle Precinct is currently leased to the national award-winning DOMA Group.

It is operating as the building hub for the development of Melrose Woden, a $250 million development including residential, commercial, office and retail next to retail precinct Westfield Woden.

James Baker of Burgess Rawson Canberra says there are some big incentives for an investor.

“The asking price is below the stamp duty threshold and the building offers depreciation benefits,’ he says.

“And the tenant will meet the cost of all repairs and maintenance – and the replacement of most items.’

There’s also a five-year lease with two five-year options until June 30, 2037. Net income is about $72,450 a year plus GST, with 4 per cent annual rent increases.

Ray Sparvell, The Canberra Times