Q&A with David Scholes


David Scholes


Conducting an impressive 1,000 auctions each year across Sydney, Brisbane, and Melbourne, award winning auctioneer, David Scholes stands as one of the most respected figures in the real estate industry.

Serving as Burgess Rawson’s exclusive auctioneer since our inaugural event in 2001, David’s success is embedded in his collaborative approach with our energetic sales team. This cohesive interaction not only strengthens team dynamics but also enhances David’s profound understanding of the events’ impact and effectiveness in securing optimal outcomes for our clients.

What attracted you to pursue a career as an auctioneer?

“I initially commenced work as a stock and station agent with a large wool firm in Melbourne and ended up running their branch in Omeo. As a stock agent, most people have a go at auctioneering. I gave it a go and was hooked.’

What do you enjoy about the role and working with Burgess Rawson?

“The people. Burgess Rawson has built an incredible team in every department of every office.

Every six weeks I’m amazed at how they manage to pull together three exceptional auction events as the nation watches on.’

What have been the highlights?

“There have been many highlights. I think our consistently high success rate, which is unrivalled in the industry, is certainly one.

I am most proud of the fact that we have so many clients that continue to utilise our services and the Burgess Rawson auction process since we started nearly 30 years ago.’

What was the most unusual property you auctioned, and why?

“There are too many to single one out. Every property is unique and has its own special points. My job as auctioneer at the Burgess Rawson events is to ensure buyers are aware of the facts. We often have people buying properties sight unseen, and they do

so because they trust what they’ve been told.’

The Burgess Rawson Portfolio Auction events are the largest in the country, how do you prepare for each event?

“It is impossible for me to visit every property across the country, so I rely upon the information provided by the sales team at Burgess Rawson. They know the assets inside out so their expertise coupled with the very best digital presentation available, serves as invaluable tools to me. I auction in three states over three consecutive days and can offer up to 65 properties in that week, so my experience certainly helps.’

After more than two decades, how has your partnership with Burgess Rawson evolved?

“In the late 1990’s, Burgess Rawson was appointed to conduct the sale and lease back portfolio sale for NAB. I was asked to be their auctioneer and from the success of that campaign, the directors pursued a goal to specialise in commercial investment property.

I conducted the first Investment Portfolio Auction event back in 2001. There is no other commercial agency group that has concentrated exclusively on a particular type of asset and this is the reason we have undertaken so many successful portfolio auctions. We are up to our 166th portfolio and I have only missed one day of auction in that time.’

How has the industry changed?

“Today, the presentation of properties has evolved significantly. Gone are the days of crammed rooms with slide projectors. Technology now provides a cleaner experience with digital photography, drone footage, on-screen property highlights and yield calculators.

This allows buyers to view auctions and bid from their offices or homes without the need to attend the venue, which a significant number of our buyers now do.’

What does it take to be one of the most sought-after auctioneers in the field?

“Over the years I have learnt to be patient, polite and most of all empathetic. I think it is fair to say that auctions can be quite stressful for buyers and sellers. I never rush an auction and always give buyers time to make decisions.

Humour is also important and one of my key strengths lies in establishing an immediate rapport with bidders, and fostering trust that encourages collaboration.’