Portfolio Collection 166: Australia’s Premier Commercial Real Estate Investments

Welcome to Portfolio 166.

At Burgess Rawson we’re gearing up for a cracker of a year in commercial property. As the Year of the Dragon beckons, symbolising might and fortune, we stand at the cusp of a market renaissance.

The economic indicators, much like the mythical creature, signify strength and prosperity, heralding a year where strategic investment meets robust growth.

Our past year’s success story, woven through resilience and the growth of defensive assets, is not just a reflection of our expertise but a prologue to the vast potential the new year holds. This year, we foresee a surge in demand for high-performing assets, with sectors such as large format retail, healthcare, early education, government, supermarkets, convenience retail and fast food leading the charge.

Our latest offering, the first for 2024, boasts premium assets in all these pivotal sectors – a testament to our commitment to bringing you the best the market has to offer. Our first Portfolio Auction event will take place in Sydney on 20th February.

We invite you to connect with our seasoned agents and engage with the myriad of promising opportunities awaiting in the 2024 commercial property market. At Burgess Rawson, we are not just about making transactions; we are about crafting legacies and empowering your investment decisions.

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