12 year lease plus options to 2049.
Bunnings: Market leader and wholly owned by Wesfarmers Limited, an ASX top 20 company.
Unrivalled covenant, Bunnings revenue of $8.546 bn to 30 June 2014, up 11.6% on previous year.
Excellent presentation, built new in 2008.
Massive 10,800 sqm site with 113 car spaces.
Substantial tax depreciation benefits.
Annual 3% rent increases.
City of Shoalhaven population 92,621 including 20,717 within 30 minute Ulladulla trade catchment.
Net Income: $562,755 pa + GST.
Auction 2pm AEDT Tuesday 24 February
50 Margaret Street Sydney
Darren Beehag 0411 226 223
Simon Staddon 0413 640 851
Peter Rossi 0407 179 389
Justin Dowers 0438 098 805