Asian Investment Services

Burgess Rawson’s Asian Investment Services team has soared to remarkable heights in a journey spanning just under six years, driven by groundbreaking marketing strategies and exceptional services. Led by Zomart He, the team has achieved numerous milestones, including facilitating investment sales exceeding $1B.

A key factor in their ongoing expansion is the creation of a dedicated multi-lingual team, proficient in Mandarin, in each capital city office along the eastern seaboard. Savvy marketing, international acumen, and initiatives like the introduction of Burgess Rawson’s WeChat editorial campaigns and Asian Investment Strategy Seminars have revolutionised property marketing to Chinese speakers.

Fostering long-term relationships with Asian clients and educating them on Australian commercial property trends and insights, the team’s success includes substantial transactions in portfolio auctions and EOI sales, emphasising Asian investors’ preference for blue-chip properties in prime locations.

Our national team, as part of the country’s largest privately owned agency, has positioned itself as trusted property advisors, helping vendors tap into billions in capital inflow from Asian countries to Australia’s commercial property market each year.


Burgess Rawson 的亚洲投资服务团队从成立至今不到六年的时间里,凭借开创性的营销策略和卓越的服务,取得了令人瞩目的成就。团队在Zomart He的带领下,达成了许多重要的里程碑,包括成功出售300多个物业,完成超过14亿澳元的销售业绩。

亚洲服务团队能快速且持续发展的关键因素之一是我们是一支专业的多语言团队,每个东部沿海主要城市的办公室都有精通普通话或者粤语的员工,确保我们和客户之间的交流无压力。同时,凭借国际视野以及诸如推出Burgess Rawson的官方微信公众号和针对亚洲买家的投资策略研讨会等精准的市场拓展策略和手段,该团队彻底革新了面向亚洲买家群体的专属房地产营销方式,并且在交易过程中与客户建立良好的关系和信任,为长期合作打下了坚实的基础。




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